- from o-vita Top Essential Oils for Healthy Hair.
- PURE AND NATURAL 100% with a blend of excellent natural oils.
- including flaxseed oil, rosemary essential oil, sweet almond oil, castor oil, watercress oil, olive oil, coconut oil, Jassmen oil, tea tree oil, garlic oil, avocado oil, mint oil, sandalwood oil, wheat germ oil, lavender oil, and Semsem oil.
- also included a nano keratin, nano protein, vitamin E, panthenol, and biotin.
- A 100% natural formula solution that contains a powerful combination of oils to improve grows hair, PREVENTS HAIR LOSS, nourish.
the scalp, as well as and strengthen thinning hair. - Sulphate, paraben and preservative free naturall100%
- USAGE: For better results, massage a small amount into the scalp, then cover with a hair cap.
أفضل الزيوت العطرية لشعر صحي.
نقي وطبيعي 100% مع مزيج من الزيوت الطبيعية الممتازة.
يحتوى على زيت بذور الكتان، وزيت إكليل الجبل العطري، وزيت اللوز الحلو، وزيت الخروع، وزيت الجرجير، وزيت الزيتون، وزيت جوز الهند، وزيت الياسمين، وزيت شجرة الشاي، وزيت الثوم، وزيت الأفوكادو، وزيت النعناع، وزيت خشب الصندل، وزيت جنين القمح، وزيت اللافندر، وزيت السمسم.
يحتوي أيضًا على نانو كيراتين ونانو بروتين لفرد وتنعيم الشعر وفيتامين هـ والبانثينول والبيوتين لترطيب ومنع تقصف الشعر.
تركيبة طبيعية 100% تحتوي على مزيج قوي من الزيوت لتحسين نمو الشعر ومنع تساقطه وتغذيته.
وتقوية فروة الرأس، وكذلك تقوية الشعر الخفيف وحل مشاكل القشره.
خالي من الكبريتات والبارابين والمواد الحافظة طبيعي 100%
الاستخدام: للحصول على نتائج أفضل، دلكي كمية صغيرة على فروة الرأس، ثم غطيها بغطاء للشعر.
- It is a revolutionary hair care system designed to eliminate frizz, lock in colour and enhance shine. It creates a fantastic smooth blow dry that will last up to 12 weeks.
- Not only does this treatment reduce friction between the hair strands for freedom of movement so that you can be left with smooth and sleek locks. But it also improves shine and manageability, protects against UV and environmental damage and gives you soft, fresh and frizz controlled locks.
The nanoparticles are infused with a blend of natural ingredients, such as amino acids, vitamins, and proteins, which work synergistically to provide essential nutrients to the hair and restore its vitality.
When applied to hair and scalp it penetrates moisture into lower skin layers and deep into each hair strand and hair shaft. It prevents breakage caused from harsh brushing and styling by protecting hair fibres.
- Delivers the essential pro-vitamin B5 deep into hair. Helps restore and thicken hair, creating body and luster. Hydrates and acts as an instant leave-in conditioner for hair.
Vitamin E oil works to nourish your scalp and hair, restoring proper function so your hair grows properly.
- It also increases blood circulation to the scalp, which aids in overall hair growth, Dr. Nichols notes. ✔️ Soothe dryness: Vitamin E oil is an easy cure for dry and flaky scalps
- stimulates keratin synthesis. A biotin deficiency can lead to thinning and weakening of the hair.
- That’s why biotin is useful: they enhance the growth and strengthening of hair fibers.
Reduces Flakiness and Dandruff
- Argan is rich in vitamins D & E and fatty acids.
- Protects from Intense Heat.
- Moisturizes the Hair.
- Combats Baldness & Promotes Hair Growth.
- Manages Splits Ends & Prevents Frizz.
- Keeps the Scalp Infections at Bay.
- Makes Hair Shinier.
It revitalizes oily hair, by removing oil and soap residue, and gets hair clean. It’s nature’s own detoxifier and buildup buster.
- It’s mostly used to boost hair growth and thickness, thanks to its high content of zinc and sulfur.
Helps to hydrate dry hair, strengthen hair follicles, and boost shine.
- Wheat germ oil suitable with hair types ranging from fine to ultra-thick (and everything in between), though dry strands will especially love this ingredient.
Coconut oil is great for your hair’s overall health because it heals damaged hair by softening, hydrating and strengthening those brittle, broken strands. It also strengthens the cuticle of the hair, which will help protect hair from environmental toxins and keep it healthier in feel and appearance.
Olive oil is great for hair because it contains moisturizing ingredients like squalene and oleic acid. It may also help prevent split ends because it can increase hair elasticity.
Promotes hair growth. …
- Fights dandruff. …
- Combats scalp dryness and hair damage. …
- Prevents premature greying. …
- Keeps head lice at bay. …
- Protects from harmful UV rays. …
- Acts as a coolant.
Being a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, flaxseeds can strengthen the hair and prevent breakage. Additionally, flaxseeds can soothe inflammation on the scalp and ensure hair growth too.
Beyond stimulating hair growth, rosemary essential oil is used to prevent premature graying and dandruff. It may also help dry or itchy scalp.
boost hair growth up to five times the usual rate. It can moisturize a dry, irritated scalp. Castor oil’s antibacterial and antifungal properties can reduce dandruff. It can help grow hair.
added to hair conditioners to give you added protection against dryness, breakage, and split ends. The oil can also moisturize the scalp and may be a dandruff remedy. Jojoba is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish hair, including vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, copper, and zinc.
sweet almond oil is an excellent option for repairing damaged hair Due to its natural emollient properties and locking in moisture.
- Sweet almond oil is ideal for those that heat-styles their hair, as the oil acts as a natural lubricant on the hair shaft. This reduces friction when styling and minimizes breakage.
its anti-microbial and antiseptic it has a great effect on dandruff, infections, and other scalp conditions.
- Encourages cell turnover: By acting as an anti-microbial, jasmine oil soothes dry skin and helps seal the hair cuticle, which may help prevent breakage and encourage new hair growth.
If you’re in the process of growing your hair out, you might want to consider adding tea tree oil into your hair care routine.
- Helps Battle against Dandruff.
- Fights off Head Lice.
- Improves Overall Scalp Health.
Garlic oil contains vitamins and minerals such as B-6, C, manganese, and selenium, which promote healthy hair.
- The antifungal contents found in it help kill bacteria and fight germs, leading to a clean and dandruff-free scalp.
- It is a natural remedy that leads to hair growth and prevents thinning of hair.
Well-hydrated skin on the scalp lead to make hair appear healthier.
Preventing breakage. The strands of the hair can break if they are dry and brittle.- Detangling hair. Applying avocado oil to the hair help to detangle.
- Protecting hair from damage
Peppermint oil is beneficial both to help slow down hair loss or hair thinning and to regrow hair that has already been lost.
- If you’re struggling with female or male pattern baldness or other types of hair loss, adding peppermint oil into your hair care routine.
Sandalwood oil is highly valuable in treating hair problems like dandruff and prevents hair fall.
with the strong astringent property of sandalwood oil is effective in warding off the excess sebum secretion in the scalp.- treats split ends and enhance the hair Lustre and growth.
Its topical application strengthens hair follicles and promotes hair growth.
- Regularly applying lavender oil improves hair texture by conditioning the hair follicles, reducing frizz, and making the hair fall control.
- This fragrant oil also helps averts hair loss by treating dandruff and reducing pattern baldness.
Amla is useful in combating the signs of aging, helps prevent white hair pigmentation and reduces the appearance of signs of premature graying. In addition, it is recommended to use hair care products containing triphala extracts, as they promote hair growth and stimulate the scalp.
Strengthens and repairs hair strands
Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. All three of these vitamins contribute to cell turnover, promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also contained in aloe vera gel. Both of these components can keep your hair from falling out.
Regular massage of hair using mustard oil will make your hair soft, shiny, and healthy. Since it is rich in antioxidants and many other nutrients, mustard oil stimulates rapid hair growth.
As well as having the ability to promote hair growth, black seed oil may also be able to reduce hair loss too. A study in 2017 found that a hair treatment containing black seed oil resulted in a reduction in hair fallout of up to 76%. Using black seed oil for hair loss is common
Grapeseed oil may help fight scalp issues by moisturizing the scalp. It may aid hair growth in some people by nourishing the roots and improving blood circulation. It may help by sealing in moisture, reducing frizz, and adding shine to hair
With its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it’s no surprise that thyme essential oil is often used for hair growth and scalp health! In the scalp, thyme can help lessen dandruff by preventing inflammatory bacteria and nourishing the follicle, creating a healthy environment for new hair cells.
AbdoulRahman Fakhry –
Very cool product
محمد مصطفي –
منتج ممتاز يغذي الشعر ويزيد طوله وريحته ممتازه
نور –
خلود –
انصح الجميع بي أستخدامه
ملك –
تركيبه الزيوت مقدمه منتج ممتاز مع فوائد عاليه ومفيده
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حلو جدا
عمار –
حلو وكميه قليله منه بتغذي الشعر بالكامل
حنين –
إبداع في صنع المنتج
إبراهيم سليم –
منتج جيد
أميره بنقابي –
زي الفل
عصام –
منتج جميل يستعمله انا ومراتي والأولاد
عصام –
منتج جميل يستعمله انا ومراتي والأولاد
خديجه –
جميل انصح بتجربته
جرجس –
جميل جدا تجربه ممتازه
osama –
منتج مميز انصح الجميع بتجربته
Nour –
منتج جميل جدا عن تجربه حقيقي بامتياز
Nour –
منتج جميل جدا عن تجربه تحفه حقيقي بامتياز